Because no one
taught you how to grieve…
Learn the foundational tools and practices to be with your grief in a conscious and healthy way.
Daniela & Jacob Introduce the Grief Course (1 minute)
The pain of grief is inevitable, however unnecessary suffering can be optional.
Grief is a universal experience, touching each of us at some point in our lives. Yet, many of us struggle to navigate this profound emotion. When we don't know how to grieve, we typically turn to alcohol, prescription medication, isolate ourselves, over-eat, become sedentary, seek highs, or distract ourselves in countless ways. These unconscious, destructive behaviors—turning to food, drama, isolation, and lethargy—become habits, patterns, and addictions that trap us in a cycle of pain and avoidance.
But what if there was a way to break free?
In the Grief Course, we guide participants through an intentional process, bringing knowledge, tools, guidance, and support to move through your journey of grief. We understand that grief is a rocky and mysterious terrain. Grief, in its simplest form, is a natural, instinctive response to change, and many of us are suddenly thrown into the complexities of the grief journey without any guidance or education.
These are waters that you really want to cross with a skillful, trustworthy, and knowledgeable guide.
Daniela and Jacob have decades of personal and professional experience in the field of grief work and education. Grief isn't something that we strive to 'heal' from. That is one of the myths that we will help you to move through. Grief is about honoring, integrating, and ultimately living your aliveness.
The Grief Course
Online Intensive
Daniela Hess and Jacob Vermeulen
Grief Course Guides
Where there is change, there is grief.
Grief comes in many forms—both big "G" and small "g".
Whether you are mourning the loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, facing significant life changes like divorce, the end of a friendship, job loss, disconnection from your community, or children leaving the nest, this course is for you.
In this course, we will teach you the principles of the grief process that apply to all types, whether life-altering or “everyday” griefs. You will learn how to allow, attend, accept and release, as well as move through the sadnesses or worries that come with grief.
The Grief Course is an online course on personally led by Daniela Hess and Jacob Vermeulen, educators in the field of Grief, Death and Loss.
There are 4 sessions of 120 minutes each.
This is the self-paced version of this course, initially conduced in July 2024. This video course is offered with lifetime access.
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A reliable 4-step process
I - Understanding
Understanding Grief as a process rather than an isolated feeling.
Together we’ll debunk some myths and misconceptions about grief.
Allow the process of grief starts with understanding what it is and what it is not.
II - Meeting the mind
Meeting our beliefs and connected emotions around the loss of our loved one.
Feelings of guilt and regret can single-handedly stop the natural flow of grief.
Truly acknowledging these thought and feeling is a key to get flowing.
III - Somatic work
Our somatic work allows you to connect with your body in an accessible and reliable way.
The body and the nervous system hold the keys to flow with the grief process.
New somatic connections allow you to gain another way to be with and express your grief.
IV - Integration
Through conscious integration, you'll be empowered to incorporate the new insights and practices into your life. This will enable you to continue your journey of grief in your unique way, with a deep understanding that it is okay to embrace and allow the process.
Your Guides & Educators
Daniela Hess
Daniela has had the honor of serving as an Educational and Spiritual Mentor to thousands of students and clients over the past 25 years.
She has led many group grief courses as well as working 1:1 with the bereaved, helping people globally to navigate the complex terrain of grief.
Daniela is a dynamic, insightful, and compassionate guide who catalyzes ripples of transformation across the many facets of her students lives.
Jacob Vermeulen
Jacob is a highly skilled International Educator and Healer who has guided thousands of students worldwide through their own deep, inner healing work using his innovative methodologies that blend the psychology of emotional wellbeing and spirituality.
He is a gifted pianist and singer whose life experiences have led him to explore and deepen the profound healing effects of music, with a special focus on the human voice.
Navigating his own journey of grief, he developed a unique somatic protocol to process and release the stuck energy of grief in the body.
Jacob has facilitated in-person workshops and retreats across Europe and in South Africa, serving clients globally.
Daniela and Jacob delve deeper into the course
Daniela and Jacob will lead you with compassion and steadiness through a 4-step process to guide you out of stuckness and confusion into honoring your aliveness.
There are 4 sessions, each 120 minutes in length.
We welcome you into our course with open arms, and we trust that if you feel a YES in your heart, this journey will serve you and your process of grief.
We're deeply honored to be your guides.
- Daniela & Jacob
✓ 4 sessions of 120 minutes
✓ Lifetime access
✓ Powerful teachings, practices, and journeys
that can support and transform your journey of grief
The tuition is €147 €99
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